If you are seeking to becoming a Depth or Analytical Psychology Professional, we’ve put together a comprehensive list of recommended reading.
However, if you are just looking to learn a little more, find these topics interesting, or in need a great great recommendation, this list will help you as well.
These resources are for your benefit and self-education.
To purchase any of the books listed, just click on the links provided below (coming soon).
- Raising Humane Beings by Jane Fendelman. Foreword by George Addain Ph.D. Raising Human Beings is the finest book on raising children ever written. Rarely in life does a reader find a single book that sufficently covers the entire subject. After reading Jane’s book I found myself thingking differently, for such a book will shift your thinking, and you, like me, will never be the same.
- People Skills by Robert Bolton Ph.D.
- People Making by Virginia Satir
- Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch, Ph.D.
- Models of Madness by John Read, Loren R. Mosher, Richard P. Bentall. Is schizophrenia an illness? Is madness preventable? This controversial, but carefully reseached, book argues that what psychiatrists call “schizophrenia” is not an illness. Models of Madness shows that hallucinations and delusions are understandable reactions to life events and circumstances rather than symptoms of a supposed genetic predisposition or biological disturbance. Featuring 23 contributors from six countries, the book represents a range of disciplines and discusses the history, economics, and politics of madness. Contributors critique the “medical model” of madness, document the role of drug companies and outline research-based alternatives to diagnoses and drugs.
- Heroic Client by Barry L. Duncan. Scott D. Miller
- Psychotherapy with Impossible Cases by Barry L. Duncan, Mark A. Hubble, & Scott D. Miller
- We’ve Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy–And the World’s Getting Worse by James Hillman
- The Soul’s Code: In Search of Character and Calling by James Hillman
- Psychotherapy with Impossible Cases by Barry L. Duncan, Mark A. Hubble, & Scott D. Miller
- Psychological Foundations of Success by Stephen J. Kraus, Ph.D.
- Raising Boys by Steve Biddulph.
- The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman.
- Love is a Verb by Bill O’Hanlon & Pat Hudson.
- Fire In The Belly: On being a man by Sam Keen.
- A Brief Guide to Brief Therapy by Brian Cade & William Hudson O’Hanlon.
- Shame and Pride: Affect, sex, and the birth of the self by Donald L. Nathanson.
- Creating Kids Who Can Concentrate: Proven strategies for beating ADD without drugs by Jean Robb & Hilary Letts.
- Do One Thing Different: Ten simple ways to change your life by Bill O’Hanlon.
- The New Private Practice by Lynn Grodzki.
- Resurrecting Sex by David Schnarch, Ph.D.
- Journey to Center: Lession in unifying body, mind, & spirit by Thoman F. Crum.
- Freedom from Addiction: The secret behind successful addiction busting by Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrrell.
- A New Psychology of Men Edited by Ronald F. Levant and William S. Pollack
- King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine. By Robert Moore & Douglas Gillette. Arguing that masculinity is not abusive or domineering, but generative, creative, and empowering of the self and others. Moore and Gillette provide a Jungian introduction to the psychological foundations of a mature, authentic, and revitalized masculinity.
- Why Men are the Way They Are by Warren Farrell, Ph.D. The way the sexual revolution and the women’s movement has affected women has been well documented in the last two decades. But what have these movements done to men?
- Taking Sides: Men, Women, and the Shifting Social Agenda by Bettina Arndt
- The Emotional Incest Syndrome: When a Parent’s Love Rules Your Life by Patricia Love. Emotional incest is a supprisingly common but rarely identified style of parenting in which parents turn to their children, not their partners, for emotional support. This landmark book effectively addresses the sensitive subject of over involved parenting and offers a positive, compassionate program for healing and recovery.
- Friedman’s Fables by Edwin H. Friedman. Dr Friedman has woven 24 illustrative tales that offer fresh perspectives on familiar human foibles. Friedman takes on resistance and other “demons” to show that neither insight, nor encouragement, nor intimidation can in themselves motivate an unmotivated person to change.
- Therapist as Life Coach: Transforming your practice by Patrick Williams & Deborah C. Davis.
- Emotional Intelligence: Why it matters more than IQ by Daniel Goleman.
- Human Givens: A new approach to emotional health & clear thinkingby Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrrell.
- Building Your Ideal Private Practice by Lynn Grodzki.
- You Don’t Have to Take it Anymore by Steven Stosny, Ph.D.
- Treating Attachment Abuse: A compassionate approach by Steven Stosny.