The Most Powerful Abundance Affirmations

Do you focus on prosperity or lack? Are you grateful for everything that you have or do you complain about your life? Whether you’re negative or positive, your outlook is the determining factor for your success.

If you want to experience more joy, an influx of money, and abundance beyond your wildest dreams then affirmations are the way to go. Speak it into existence and retrain your mind to expect and manifest everything that you could ever dream of.

Affirmations can help you to bring out your greatness

No matter what stage of life you are in or what you are facing, they will help you to discover a powerful side of yourself. The results are incredible and there’s no denying the impact that they can have on your life.

By using affirmations every day you will see changes in the way that you perceive the world and you will attract your goals and desires. Your belief system can make or break your progress, affirmations will get you back on track in no time. Become the person that you have always wanted to be and claim your abundance.  

75 Tried and Tested Affirmations for Abundance 

If you’re looking for some simple and easy-to-use affirmations that work – we have exactly what you need. They are designed to align you with your dreams, raise your vibration, and manifest your goals.

  1. I am worthy of all the success in the world.
  2. I have accomplished all of my hopes and dreams
  3. I have the right skills and talents and make a success of myself
  4. I am capable of achieving anything I put my mind to.
  5. I am the master of my own life
  6. Every day I live my life with faith and joy
  7. I embrace the power of positive energy 
  8. I attract miracles into my life
  9. Abundance is my birthright
  10. I am aligned with my true potential
  11. I am a money magnet
  12. I deserve to experience all of the blessings that life has to offer
  13. I am open to receiving all of the prosperity that I desire
  14. Money flows easily and effortlessly into my life
  15. An endless stream of blessings flow into my life
  16.  I am enough
  17. I have everything I need and want
  18. I am living the dream 
  19. My life is transformed into a money-making paradise
  20. I am surrounded by wealth
  21. I am extremely successful
  22. I am always learning new ways to make money
  23. The universe has blessed me with a financial windfall
  24. I am on the same frequency as wealth, abundance, and prosperity
  25. I am content with who I am 
  26. I invite miracles to take place in my life
  27. I am in love with myself and I celebrate who I am
  28. I am well paid for my work and appreciated for my efforts
  29. My bank balance is bursting with money
  30. I am in touch with my higher power
  31. Everything I touch turns to gold
  32. I bask in the positive vibrations of the universe
  33. Every time I breathe I add longevity to my life
  34. When I set an intention it always manifests
  35. Peace and vitality are always available to me
  36. The divine has blessed me with the inspiration I need to make a success of myself
  37. The blessings that I receive are plentiful
  38. My income has quadrupled
  39. I am operating on the highest vibrational frequency
  40. I am productive and prosperous
  41. My thoughts and feelings bring me joy and abundance
  42. I give myself permission to thrive
  43. I believe in myself 
  44. I am grateful for all of the remarkable changes that have happened in my life
  45. I have the right to be rich
  46. I have multiple streams of income
  47. Every day I am showered with blessings
  48. I am the creator of all of the prosperity that I receive
  49. I love money and money loves me
  50. I allow myself to dream big and manifest it effortlessly
  51. I am financially free
  52. There is an infinite amount of abundance that is available to me
  53. My state of mind allows me to attract everything that I want
  54. My actions create constant prosperity
  55. I am happy to give without expectation and in return, I receive more abundance
  56. I am at peace with money
  57. I manifest the experiences that I want 
  58. I am in control of my life and finances
  59. I have a positive mind that creates positive manifestations
  60. My needs are always fulfilled 
  61. The divine intelligence is always working for me
  62. My income is greater than my expenses
  63. I radiate with prosperity and joy
  64. Each day is a vast improvement compared to the last
  65. I have all of the resources that I need to be a success
  66. I have fun making money
  67. I am valuable and priceless
  68. My net worth is increasing
  69. My wishes have come true
  70. I trust in the process
  71. I am supported in everything I do and it shows
  72. I see abundance everywhere I look
  73. I embrace new opportunities to create wealth for myself and others
  74. I can handle large amounts of wealth with ease
  75. I always have more than enough money

Self Development with Affirmations

It has been proven that using affirmations can help you to change your life. When you work with your mind you can access your highest level of potential and attract with ease. In most cases, limiting beliefs are the reason why so many are unable to reach their goals.

However, brain training by using affirmations can invoke feel-good hormones and reprogramme the mind. With these statements you go from poverty to prosperity, all it takes is a few minutes each day. 

Relinquish your fears, if there is something holding you back then affirmations can dissolve them away. Our circumstances are a direct reflection of what we are thinking and feeling. If we work with what we have we can achieve anything and everything. 

Abundance Affirmations in Summary

Your power is not outside of you, it lies within. Know who you are – a spiritual, energetic being with the potential to light up a thousand cities. You are the universe, the happiness that you desire, and the orchestrator of your life. 

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